Old Age doesn’t mean you stop dreaming about the future !
Loneliness is a prevalent issue among the elderly, and this isolation can lead to physical and mental health problems.
Every child deserves a home, not just a shelter !
Orphaned children face unique challenges, and their emotional well-being is of utmost importance.
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Engage at every age and play different game in your life

Ummido Ka Karwan seeks to reach out to a larger audience of older people and orphans and act as a catalyst for change to bridge the gap between generations and ensure a respectful and comfortable life for them.


We all want to feel happy, and each of us has different ways of getting there.

Social Interaction

Studies show that we are happiest when we are around those who are also happy. Stick with those who are joyful and let rub off on you.

Personal Development

Personal development is a lifelong process. It is a way for people to assess their skills and qualities, consider their aims in life and set goals in order to maximize potential.


Knowing your worth is a very personal thing and it really has nothing to do with anyone else.

About Us

We are a global community of humanitarians, partners, community members, supporters, donors, and volunteers who share a common vision of a world where no one lives in poverty, fear, or oppression, and all can exercise their rights to a decent standard of living, can have access to the opportunities and choices essential to a long, healthy, and creative life, and can be treated with dignity and respect.

It endeavors to extend a helping hand to old people and children and advocate for their needs & rights.

Ummido Ka Karwan seeks to reach out to a larger audience of older people and orphans and act as a catalyst for change to bridge the gap between generations and ensure a respectful and comfortable life for them.
UKK is a non-profit organisation focused on the care and protection of vulnerable children. Our vision is a family for every child in our lifetime.

A Home for All: Building an Old Age Home and Orphanage Together



In a world that often seems to be moving at an ever-faster pace, there is a growing need for compassion, care, and community. Many senior citizens find themselves in a lonely and neglected stage of life, while countless orphaned children are left without the warmth of a family. It is in this context that Ummido Ka Karwan has embarked on a remarkable journey – the creation of an Old Age Home and Orphanage combined. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind this initiative and the profound impact it can have on both seniors and orphans.

The Vision:


Our vision is to bring together two seemingly distinct demographics – the elderly and orphaned children – in a harmonious and nurturing environment. The idea is to create a home that values wisdom and experience as much as youth and potential, fostering an intergenerational community that thrives on mutual support and care. By establishing this innovative center, we aim to bridge the gap between these two often-overlooked groups.

Addressing Loneliness:


Loneliness is a prevalent issue among the elderly, and this isolation can lead to physical and mental health problems. Our Old Age Home will provide a solution by creating a supportive community where seniors can find companionship and purpose in interacting with children. On the flip side, orphaned children will benefit from the wisdom and love that elderly residents can provide.

Nurturing the Future:


Orphaned children face unique challenges, and their emotional well-being is of utmost importance. By integrating an orphanage into the same facility, we aim to provide a stable and nurturing environment for these children. They will not only have access to professional caregivers but also gain invaluable life lessons from the elderly residents who act as surrogate grandparents.

Mutual Learning:


The coexistence of seniors and children in one space fosters a dynamic environment where learning flows in both directions. Seniors can pass down their life experiences, skills, and traditions, while children bring vitality, curiosity, and joy into the lives of the elderly. This mutual exchange not only enriches the lives of both groups but also contributes to a stronger, interconnected society.

Building a Sustainable Model:


Ummido Ka Karwan believes in creating a sustainable model for the future. By combining an Old Age Home and Orphanage, we optimize resources, facilities, and expertise, thereby minimizing operational costs. This innovative approach ensures that every donated dollar goes a long way in providing the best care for both seniors and orphans.

Community Involvement:


We encourage the active involvement of the local community, volunteers, and donors in our initiative. Through collaborative efforts, we can create a place where both the elderly and orphaned children feel valued and cherished, building a stronger, more compassionate society.



The idea of an Old Age Home and Orphanage together is not just a building project; it’s a vision of a compassionate, inclusive, and interconnected community. Ummido Ka Karwan is dedicated to bringing this vision to life, and we invite you to join us on this inspiring journey. By building a home for all, we aim to create a brighter, more compassionate future for the elderly and orphaned children, making the world a better place, one heart at a time. Together, we can turn this vision into a heartwarming reality.

Join Us in Transforming Lives: Partner with Ummido Ka Karwan



At Ummido Ka Karwan, we believe that positive change is not achieved alone, but through collaborative efforts and shared visions. We are on a mission to make a meaningful impact on the world, and we invite like-minded individuals and organizations to join us in this transformative journey.


Why Partner with Us:


By partnering with Ummido Ka Karwan, you gain access to a wealth of resources, expertise, and a network of individuals who share your commitment to creating a better world. Here’s what a partnership with us could look like:


Collaborative Projects: We can work together on projects and initiatives that align with our shared goals. This allows us to combine our strengths and knowledge to make a more significant impact.


Resource Sharing: Our extensive network and resources are at your disposal, helping you access the tools and support you need to succeed.


Joint Fundraising: Together, we can pool our efforts to secure the funding necessary to drive impactful initiatives forward.


Knowledge Exchange: We believe in the power of learning and growth. Through our partnership, we can share knowledge and expertise, further enhancing our collective impact.


Let’s Make a Difference Together:


We are eager to discuss the specific terms and modalities of our partnership to ensure it aligns with your objectives and capacity. The opportunity to collaborate and create a brighter future is right at your fingertips.


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